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How To Tie The S2 Streamer Fly Pattern

How To Tie The S2 Streamer Fly Pattern


Rear Section:
Hook: Gamakatsu B10s size 4
Thread: Danville’s 210 White
Tail: White Marabou tied around shank
Body: 7-8 Spiral wraps Small Pearl Palmer Chenille, 3-4 wraps Superfly White Schlappen
Throat: White Marabou
Wing: Natural Mallard Flank
Head: Solarez Bone Dry
Articulation: Senyo’s Intruder Wire Red, 2 red plastic seed beads, 1/8” White Brass Bead.
Front Section:
Hook: Gamakatsu B10s size 2 w/ medium dumbbell eyes chartreuse
Tail: White Marabou wrapped around shank
Body: 6-8 wraps White Schlappen
Wing 1: Natural Mallard Flank
Body: 8 wraps Medium Pearl Palmer Chenille, 8-9 wraps White Schlappen, 2 White Barred Rubber Legs tied barred side out on both sides
Throat: White Marabou
Wing 2: Natural Mallard Flank
Head: Superfly Large Pearl Crystal Chenille, Solarez Bone Dry.